Pink Connections
Our “Pink Connections” are a very special group of Ladies and Men who support Dragons Abreast Brisbane and our goal of spreading the message of breast cancer awareness through participation in a fun group water sport.
They are Husbands, Wives, Partners, Daughters, Sisters, and Friends of our Breast Cancer Survivors Members who have a very special place in our club.
Whilst many of them do not regularly paddle they are an integral part of our club and provide a helping hand at key fundraising events, as well as coming together on the water for major dragon boat regattas and creating an awesome Dragon Boat Team.
The name Pink Connections has it history of its own.
In 2009 it was decided to again paddle at Darling Harbour and to register an MBT Supporter’s Boat. I was given the job of coordinating this team. A couple of supporters from Adelaide Sea Dragons (and maybe other clubs) had contacted me about joining this team as well.
I felt the team needed a ’name’ to identify our purpose and of course links to MBT. I sent an email to the paddlers with a few suggestions for a team name with my preference being “Pink Connections” as I thought the name clearly reflected our identity and purpose. On searching the internet, I couldn’t find anyone else using the name (at that time). The name proved very popular.
A couple of very keen supporters at that time were Barry and Jan Spollen. Barry set up some logo ideas and together we set about establishing a logo and team shirts for our inaugural paddle at the DAA Darling Harbour Regatta. I think the profile we created at that regatta was probably the beginning of the formation of other supporter teams. It was a very successful regatta for MBT and Pink Connections. Other clubs subsequently contacted me for information on how Pink Connections operated as a supporter group to MBT.
My time with MBT was special, and I can say I was indeed chuffed when one of our new boats was named “Pink Connections”. I knew then that the legacy we had created would continue well in to the future.
- Denyse Corner