Our Sponsors and Supporters
Thank You
Dragons Abreast Brisbane is a not-for-profit dragon boat club for breast cancer survivors and their supporters.
Participating in sport and fitness activities has been proven to boost both the mental and physical health of breast cancer survivors, and our group of paddlers is passionate about spreading the message that women and men can lead a happy and fulfilling life after breast cancer treatment.
However, like all sports, it requires money, time and commitment.
Without the assistance of the following generous businesses, kind individuals and understanding organisations, Team Missabittatitti would not be able to offer its highly subsidized fitness services for the growing number of breast cancer survivors that seek out our paddling club.
Since our inception in we have relied on the support of corporations and large organsiations to help us with our goal of keeping fit after a breast cancer diagnosis.
As far back in our history as 2002, our club was lucky enough to be granted 2 dragon boats from the Southbank Corporation. Like all grants and donations, these boats were instruments in establishing Dragons Abreast Brisbane as a club.
MBT relies on State Government community grants such as the Gambling Community Benefit Fund and we are grateful to the generosity of the Community Benefit Funds Unit in allocating funds to us to help us improve a non-profit organisation.

DAB was award $1000 for National Paddle Day from this the BCC Lord Mayor's Suburban Initiative Fund.
The grant was approved by Cr Kara Cook - Councillor for the BCC Morningside Ward.
DAB was awarded $1000 towards our container from this grant in 2018. Funds are still reserved to contribute to the cost of the Container once all formal approvals from BCC/Hockey Club and BRD have been finalised.
Our local member Councillor Kara Cook is one of our biggest supporters. Cr Cook not only assists our in our applications for local grants, but she has also provided MBT with prizes for fundraising events.
MBT's go-to destination for an after paddle coffee and breakfast is Café Tropicana. MBT loves the coffee, great breakfast and service with a smile provided by Manoli, Maria and the team.
Member for Griffith Terri Butler assists Dragons Abreast Brisbane in practical and financial ways. She has assisted with printing and photocopying and supported our dragon boat club with grant applications.
Member for Bulimba, Hon Di Farmer, has offered support to MBT over the years, providing letters on behalf of our club in support of our applications for grants.

Sports photographer John Napper always provides sharp images and action shots of dragons abreast on the water.
Brisbane River Dragons shares its clubhouse facilities, dragon boats and racing equipment with MBT members. Members also have access to the sports paddling coaching and training provided by BRD.

Muldoon Photograghy
Bern Muldoon's feature on our website, especially international regattas. His beautiful pictures that capture the moment with authenticity and love.
Dragons Abreast Brisbane thanks every sponsor, donor and supporter of our team.